Help for Anxiety with Counselling, Hypnotherapy, CBT and EMDR in Fareham, Southampton, Portsmouth and Winchester Hampshire

Hypnotherapy, CBT, EMDR & Counselling for Anxiety in Fareham, Southampton and Portsmouth Hampshire


Anxiety is an entirely natural human response to stress or perceived threats and is commonly experienced as feelings of apprehension, worry, or fear. It is a completely normal and healthy reaction that helps individuals cope with difficult or challenging situations or to alert them to potential dangers. However, when anxiety becomes excessive, prolonged, or interferes significantly with day-to-day life, it may be a sign of an anxiety disorder.

Anxiety disorders encompass a range of conditions characterised by intense, excessive, and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. These conditions can include Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Separation Anxiety, Health Anxiety, Selective Mutism, Specific Phobias, and more.

What is anxiety? Are you struggling with anxiety. Anxiety attack symptons, physical and emotional.


Panic disorder is characterised by unexpected and repeated episodes of intense fear. This is often referred to as a panic attack. Panic attacks are often accompanied by feelings of being overwhelmed, chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, or abdominal distress.

In some cases, panic attacks can accompany generalised anxiety disorder or can be a sign of major depression. However, they can sometimes affect otherwise healthy individuals.

It is not unusual for a person with panic disorder to develop phobias about certain places or situations where panic attacks have occurred. Examples of this could be in supermarkets or other everyday situations. The frequency of their panic attacks increases, therefore the person often begins to avoid situations where they fear another attack may occur or where help would not be immediately available. This avoidance may eventually develop into agoraphobia. Agoraphobia is described as an inability to go beyond known and safe surroundings because of intense fear and anxiety. Unfortunately, anxiety can build to become a deeply planted emotion that can affect all areas of your life. By using hypnotherapy to help your anxiety, you will gain techniques and skills to regain control over your life.

How can I help my anxiety and panic attacks?


Individuals with anxiety disorders will often experience symptoms such as:

Excessive Worry: Constant and uncontrollable worry about various aspects of life which is often disproportionate to the actual threat.

Physical Symptoms: Physical manifestations such as an increased heart rate, sweating, trembling, dizziness, muscle tension, and gastrointestinal issues can all accompany anxiety.

Panic Attacks: Sudden and intense periods of fear or discomfort which are often accompanied by physical symptoms such as a pounding heart, shortness of breath, or feelings of impending doom.

Avoidance Behaviours: Individuals might avoid situations or places that they feel trigger their anxiety, leading to disruptions in their daily lives or their social interactions.

Difficulty Concentrating: Anxiety can impact the sufferer’s concentration, making it challenging to focus on or complete tasks.

Sleep Disturbances: Many individuals with anxiety disorders experience difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep due to racing thoughts or worries.

Irritability: Anxiety can manifest as irritability or restlessness which affects the sufferer's mood and interactions with others.

EMDR and CBT to treat anxiety and panic disorders.


  • A unique combination of hypnotherapy, Challenging Limiting Beliefs, EMDR and the latest cognitive behavioural techniques (CBT)

  • Transform all anxious thoughts into calm, and present thoughts using relaxation and mindfulness techniques

  • A powerful and effective way to overcome anxiety permanently

  • Learn to give up the endless cycle of worrying and catastrophic thoughts

  • Learn how to ‘be’ and to ‘live in the moment.’

How can I stop worrying and having catastrophic thoughts?


In terms of directly addressing your anxiety, there are several anxiety-related issues that hypnotherapy, EMDR, CBT & Counselling are commonly used for:

  • Physical Tension/Strain Physical pain and tension (often having roots in emotional tension) can be helped by therapy. Working with your therapist to challenge and alter the beliefs that you have about the triggers for your anxiety will also help to reduce the frequency and/or intensity of the symptoms, such as a rapid heart rate, rapid breathing and shaking.

  • Emotional Strain/Moodiness Constant or frequent anxiety can also put you in a strained emotional state. The long-term effects of this can have a devastating effect on your health and well-being. The physical symptoms of anxiety can make you feel drained and on edge.

  • Sleeping Problems Many people with anxiety also encounter difficulty sleeping well. Getting to sleep in an anxious state and sleeping deeply when a racing heart rate, nightmares and muscle tension are keeping you awake can be a challenge. A bespoke programme of hypnosis, CBT, EMDR and counselling can assist you in altering your anxious thought patterns. These thought patterns will no longer spiral out of control and keep you awake. Your sessions will help to train you to manage your thinking better.

  • Phobic Reactions Going to a hypnotherapist or Counsellor for help in conquering a phobia can help you in reducing medication. Your sessions will help you to remain calm during everyday activities such as driving, flying, meeting new people or social gatherings.

Help for Stress & Anxiety using Counselling

For more help and information on how counselling can help the symptoms of stress and anxiety, visit our dedicated Counselling website here.

Hypnotherapy, Counselling, CBT and EMDR for help with anxiety – If you suffer from stress and anxiety and you live in Fareham or Southampton then call us today.  We can help you get your life back on track, quickly and painlessly.

What Does Treatment For Anxiety Cost?

It's important to recognise that different treatments for anxiety come with varying price points. While counselling sessions may be more affordable for some, they may not offer the same level of specialised care as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) or Hypnotherapy, which typically come with a higher cost due to the expertise and individualised approach involved. Similarly, Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) sessions may require a higher investment upfront, reflecting the specialised training and equipment necessary for this evidence-based therapy. It's essential to consider not just the monetary cost but also the potential long-term benefits and effectiveness of each treatment option when making decisions about managing anxiety. You can find a full breakdown of our session fees, courses of treatment, and payment options here.

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